Donnerstag, 11. September 2014

52 by 59

So Folks, this is what happened on the 5th of September 2014.

Did we have 50 performers? No we had 59... from 10 countries, spanning 5 Continents....
43 Germans
3 British
3 Spanish
2 Americans
2 Columbians
2 Filipinos
1 Canadian
1 Italian
1 Moldavian
1 South African

And here is the playlist:
  1. John Harrison: Mercedes Benz
  2. Eva, Manu & Micha: Rumba de Miguel
  3. Bob Mirabito: I got a life from "Hair"
  4. Ingrid & Günther: Die Forelle
  5. Winfried & Renate: Personal Jesus
  6. Paolo & Svenja: Napule è
  7. Barbara Kloep: Junimond
  8. Jörg & Anke: Egon
  9. Bernd & Steve: Stoney Lonesome
  10. Andreas Gruner: Lied für den Folk Club und Verena
  11. Uta Schäfer: Das Fensterlein
  12. Renate & Winfried: These boots are made for walkin'
  13. Janero del Rosario: Green Fields of France
  14. meoneo: Mackie Messer
  15. Stephan Weidt: Frühstück mit dir
  16. Jennifer Feels: Sister - Miss Celie's Blues
  17. Gabrielle Engel & Bernd Wallau: Dirty Old Town
  18. Mike & Nancy aus Oregon: I know my love
  19. Petra Koika: One day
  20. Tom Kannmacher: Ein Spielmann aus Franken ist kommen
  21. Claire & John Hay: Safe & Sound
  22. Hans-Jörg Schall: Proud Mary
  23. Steve & P w GW Spiller: Pale Blue Eyes
  24. Uta Schäfer: Dat du mien Leevsten büst
  25. 2Sunny: Ruhe nach dem Sturm
  26. Larissa Laë: Mi cu ri lee sa dan
  27. Poppelsdorfer Projektchor: Greensleeves
  28. Mario Dompke: Vorbei
  29. Lothar Heinrich & Brat Jakob: La Cumparsita
  30. Richard Limbert: Hang me higher
  31. Barry: God is great, beer is good and people are crazy
  32. John Hurd: Going to my Hometown
  33. John Hay, Juan Maria Isaza-Kasolis & Maria Martinez: El cuarto de Tula
  34. Steffi Massieu & Walter Jaksch: Über 7 Brücken muss man gehen
  35. Anke & Jörg: An de Eck steiht n Jung mitn Tüdelband
  36. Wolfgang Schriefer: When a blind man cries
  37. Poppelsdorfer Projektchor: Halleluja (L.Cohen)
  38. Vilamor - Tatay Amor: Ukulele Medley
  39. Walter Jaksch: Nachbarschaft
  40. Lothar Heinrich & Brat Jakob: She never spoke Spanish to me
  41. Gerd Schinkel: Beethovens Schock
  42. Sascha Cohrs & Jannes Hecht: Hank starb an ner Überdosis Hasch
  43. GW Spiller & Steve Perry: Summer Song
  44. 2Sunny: In your hands
  45. Heike Winkhoff & Peter Parusel: Take some free time
  46. Peter Parusel & Heike Winkhoff: Melancholia
  47. Andrea Wilmes: Hamburg verlassen
  48. Larissa Laë: A song for love
  49. Thomas Monnerjahn & Werner Krotz-Vogel: All of me
  50. David and Barry: 'Round Midnight
And they still didn't want to go home...
So, about 20 players and 150 singers rang out a final Jock Stewart....

We thought... (that it was the finali, I mean...)
As Encore, John closed the circle and lead us all in his opening song....
"Oh Lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz..."

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